About Redshift Project
Redshift project is a sole proprietorship based out of Ontario, Canada. This is the sapce I am using to share my hobby and projects with the world.
I Design, manufacture, and sell display stands for video cards, as well small form factor computer cases. This is a small venture with just myself handling all aspects of running a business as well as product design and interacting with the community.
A lot of the products and projects are, at least partially, hand made by myself. Specifically with the SFF cases, this restricts production to small volume batches. I simply do not have the capacity to make thousands of units.
This handmade approach allows for sustainable manufacturing. All of the sheet metal work is contracted out to local companies in my area which dramatically reduces shipping costs and the carbon footprint. Woodwork is done by myself in my workshop.
Another benefit of small volume artisanal craft is the flexibility for customization. Although the sheet metal work is only economical in batches, the woodwork and 3d printing that I handle myself can be personalized and tweaked. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have specific requests or questions.
About Myself
My name is Dmitry, and I reside in Ontario, Canada. Ever since I was a child I had a passion for making things. I started out with some woodworking, and adopted 3d printing when it became widely available. I always made smaller projects for myself as well as family and friends as I do not get to create things hands on in my professional career. This has made me somewhat of a craftsman, striving for perfection. I also enjoy computers and "battlestations" as well as pc gaming. Some years ago I decided to merge these two interests and create a PC Case.
That was a monumental undertaking. I did not know anything about metal work, bend rules, relief cuts, hardware insertion. Nevertheless I was up for the challenge to learn and through much research and a lot of trial and error, I think I can put together a decent metal project now. I started out sharing my projects on smallformfactor.net and reddit. This eventually lead to a partnership with Artesian Builds. In this partnership I was a contract designer, helping them realize their case ambitions as well as driving my own through their store. Alas it was not meant to be as Artesian ceased operations.
The partnership was a learning experience for me in both what to do and what not to do. It was also invaluable industry exposure, interacting with suppliers and fabricators. As that chapter closed, the projects we were working on closed together with it. You can view them in the past projects page. I decided after that I wanted to scale back, and do my own thing.
This brings us to today, and to Redshift Project. This is my small venture back into sharing my current and future projects with the world, run by myself. Although small scale, the work is custom and from the heart. My intent is to not lose myself in the business and maintain this as a hobby of mine, while at the same time delivering on my commitments and offering the fruits of my labour to anyone wanting.